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Register in Jobquest

The interviewer pauses and asks,
“So, do you have any questions for me?”

Before you answer, join MassHire for an exploration of this pivotal portion of the job interview!

We will cover:

Questions to ask the interviewer

Questions you shouldn’t ask

Working with difficult interviewers

The differences between 1st round and later
round interview answers

We will also walk through two websites proven invaluable
to interview preparation!

We’re delighted to have you join us online. Registration for this event will close 2 business days prior to start time. After signing up in Jobquest, you’ll receive an email from bschneider@mhmncc.com that will provide directions on registering in Webex for the event 24-48 hours prior to the event.

Please register 24 hours prior to event. Webex is the virtual platform Metro North Career Center uses.

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