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Elevate is your live laboratory for constructing Elevator
Pitches. This is your opportunity to craft your own pitch
and take advantage of in-class feedback!

Class Agenda:

– The components of the elevator pitch
– In-Class construction of elevator pitches
– Discussion & Critique of submitted pitches*

Though prior execution of elevator pitches is recommended, it is not a mandatory pre-requisite for this session. However, all attendees are expected
to be familiar with elevator pitches prior to registration.

*Time permitting, all elevator pitches submitted in-class will be discussed & reviewed

We’re delighted to have you join us online. Registration for this event will close 2 business days prior to start time. After signing up in Jobquest, you’ll receive an email from bschneider@mhmncc.com that will provide directions on registering in Webex for the event 24-48 hours prior to the event.  Click here to schedule

Please register 24 hours prior to event. Webex is the virtual platform Metro North Career Center uses. Detailed Instructions

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