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Job loss…No one’s hiring…No one’s calling back… Anxiety…Anger…Sadness…Loss of productivity…

Losing sleep…Losing hope

Sound familiar? Unemployment can be a tough time but it’s
not the time to give up. Get up! Join MassHire Metro North
for an impactful Q&A session on fighting Jobseeker Burnout.

Discussion points:

Why we have stress

Counteracting negative habits

Regaining confidence

Finding that next job

Avoiding burnout when you’re back to work

There is a path. MassHire can help you find it.

We’re delighted to have you join us online. Registration for this event will close 2 business days prior to start time. After signing up in Jobquest, you’ll receive an email from bschneider@mhmncc.com that will provide directions on registering in Webex for the event 24-48 hours prior to the event.

Please register 24 hours prior to event. Webex is the virtual platform Metro North Career Center uses.

Detailed Instructions

Register here

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