35 events found.
Calendar of Events
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2 events,
CAR/STAR webinar
CAR/STAR webinar
Applying to positions is all about professional accomplishments. Which ones should you use? [...]
1 event,
2 events,
Cover Letter Webinar
Cover Letter Webinar
Learn about the different types of cover letters. We’ll look into the mechanics [...]
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2 events,
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint is a great tool for putting together impressive presentations. In this [...]
2 events,
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word
Should be comfortable using a computer; have general computer knowledge. Can recognize Microsoft [...]
In-Person Accomplishment Statements
In-Person Accomplishment Statements
Applying to positions is all about professional accomplishments. But which do you use? [...]
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1 event,
Cracking the Hidden Job Market
Cracking the Hidden Job Market
Some jobs are hidden below the surface and others you really have to [...]